
Start with customized, high-quality CWI GD™-SUPA® slickline:

Confirm the wire is suitable for the expected well conditions. The material you choose has a lasting impact on the survivability of your slickline in the harsh conditions of the downhole. While these considerations can make for a difficult task of specifying the exact alloy you need for your application, CWI offers several services to help determine your oil or gas well environment.

Review our Materials Guide, available in English and Spanish, for a step-by-step in-depth review of your specific well environment. By including information like well pressure, well temperature, hydrogen sulfide levels, chloride levels, gas to oil ratio, line diameter, line weight, working depth and tool weight, we can select and then custom produce your ideal slickline. After you submit your completed form, a recommendation is then calculated and a member of our commercial team contacts you with the alloy we suggest you use, along with pricing and delivery details.

Maintenance recommendations:

Replace Sheaves: If you are using the correct size sheave or pulley but still experience premature fatigue, inspect your sheaves for issues with sticking, jarring, or heavily worn grooves. Any restriction that prevents the pulley from rolling smoothly will have negative effects on the wire. Review our CWI pulleys, available through the Loos & Co., Inc. Cableware Division.

Reduce Kinking: Kinking your slickline will cause permanent damage. We recommend layer winding or smooth wrapping your slickline onto its winch drum to maintain consistent tension during winding and respooling operations.

Perform Inspections: One of the easiest and most effective ways you can maximize the life of your slickline is by regularly inspecting it. Frequently record your inspections and make sure every team member understands the importance of checking for kinks, cracks and corrosion.

Follow these additional guidelines in the field to maximize the life of your slickline:

  • 使用游标卡尺检查线材外径。
  • 在填料函中使用新的填料,如果出现过度磨损的迹象,请更换导丝器。
  • 使用正确尺寸的滑轮(经验法则 - 滑轮直径 = 120 x 钢丝外径。)
  • 进入井中时始终润滑电线。
  • 切勿超过允许的最大钢丝张力。这将设置为您 CWI 颁发的测试证书上报告的最大断裂载荷的 60%。
  • 清洁从井中拉出的电线;使用电缆刮水器清除井液。
  • 始终使用电线切断和操作数据更新电线日志。